Accuracy test performed on Capacitive Electronic Transformer Um 420 kV
23 octubre 2023
LCOE High Voltage Lab performs accuracy test on Electronic Standard Voltage Divider up to 700 kV requested by CONDIS
5 diciembre 2023
On 14th and 15th of November 2023, Tomás García, as a representative of the LCOE High Voltage Technology Center, was present at the STL “70th Technical Committee” held at Grand Majestic Plaza in Prague and hosted by ZKU Czech Republic Laboratory.
The Short-Circuit Testing Liaison (STL) provides a forum for voluntary international collaboration between testing organizations. The basic aim is the harmonized application of IEC and Regional Standards for the type testing of electrical power equipment...

The LCOE as a member of AELP (Spanish Association of Power Laboratories) has participated annually in the STL technical meetings since 2016, discussing the technical papers presented by technical experts from member and applicant laboratories.

Meeting Room of STL 70th Technical Meeting
During the meeting AELP presented two technical papers related to the measurement of errors at limiting conditions in protection current transformers according to IEC 61869-2 Standard and on the performance of internal arc tests in MV compact cubicles in accordance with the requirements of IEC 62271-200 Standard.
Finally on Wednesday 16th November, the participants visited the facilities of ZKU High Power Lab and EGU High Voltage Laboratory.

Official Visit to ZKU KEMA High Power Lab
For more information tgarcia@ffii.es