The international papers and publications of LCOE are listed below:
“Validation of a Qualification Procedure Applied to the Verification of Partial Discharge Analysers Used for HVDC or HVAC Networks”. Applied Sciences Journal as part of the Special Issue Grounding Systems Optimization for Low-Frequency Fault Currents and Lightning Strikes |
Carlos VERA, Fernando GARNACHO, Joni KLÜSS, Christian MIER, Fernando ÁLVARE, Kari LAHTI, Abderrahim KHAMLICH, Alf-Peter ELG, Armando Rodrigo MOR, Eduardo ARCONES,Álvaro CAMUÑAS, Pertti PAKONEN,Javier ORTEGO, José Ramón VIDAL, Miran HAIDER, Jorge ROVIRA, Pascual SIMON, Antonio SQUICCIARINI
Article download link. |
“Metrological Qualification of PD Analysers for Insulation Diagnosis of HVDC and HVAC Grids”. Sensors Journal as part of the Special Issue Power and Electronic Measurement Systems: |
Fernando GARNACHO, Fernando ÁLVAREZ, Alf-Peter ELG, Christian MIER, Kari LAHTI, Abderrahim KHAMLICHI, Eduardo ARCONES, Joni KLÜSS, Armando Rodrigo MOR, Pertti PAKONEN, José Ramón VIDAL, Álvaro CAMUÑAS, Jorge ROVIRA, Carlos VERA, Miran HAIDER
Article download link. |
“New Synthetic Partial Discharge Calibrator for Qualification of Partial Discharge Analyzers for Insulation Diagnosis of HVDC and HVAC Grids”. |
Abderrahim KHAMLICHI, Fernando GARNACHO, Pascual SIMÓN
Article download link. |
“REE´s commitment to partial discharge monitoring in its underground cable network”. |
Article download link. |
“Optimized Deployment of Online Partial Discharge Monitoring Solutions for Distribution Grids”. |
Article download link. |
“Best practices for Partial Discharge Monitoring of HVDC Cable Systems and Qualification Tests”. |
Fernando GARNACHO, Adberrahim KHAMLICHI1, Fernando ÁLVAREZ, Ángel RAMIREZ, Carlos VERA, Jorge ROVIRA, Pascual SIMON, Alvaro CAMUÑAS Eduardo ARCONES, Javier ORTEGO
Article download link. |
“Comparison of PD Calibration capabilities in four National Metrology Institutes down to 0.1 pC”. |
J. Hällström, J. Havunen, A. E. Bergman, A P. Elg, A. Merev, S. Dedeoğlu, İ. Karaman, P. Simón, J. Rovira, T. Garcia, F. Garnacho. International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH), 2019.
Article download link. |
“Procedures to Qualify PD Measuring Instruments to use in the Insulation Condition of Cable Systems”. | F. Garnacho, A. Khamlichi, A. Ramírez, J. Rovira, F. Álvarez. JICABLE, 2019. |
“Partial Discharges Measurements for Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis of Power Transformers: A Review”. | J. Rodríguez-Serna, R. Albarracín-Sánchez, F. Garnacho, F. Álvarez, J. Ortego. ARWtr, 2019. |
“Generation of Reproducible Reference Insulation Defects in Experimental Tests Cells for Controlled PD monitoring”. | F. Álvarez, F. Garnacho, A. Ramírez, E. Arcones, P. García, C.A. Vera. IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE), 2018. |
“Efficient PD Monitoring of HV Electrical Systems Using HFCT Sensors”. |
F. Álvarez, E. Arcones, F. Garnacho, A. Ramírez, J. Ortego. IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE), 2018. |
“Diagnosis of Insulation Condition of MV Switchgears by Application of Different Partial Discharge Measuring Methods and Sensors”. |
F. Álvarez, R. Albarracín-Sánchez, F. Garnacho, R. Granizo. Sensors Journal, 2018. |
“Characterization of partial discharge measuring instruments by the generation of reference insulation defects in an experimental setup”. | F. Garnacho, A. Ramírez, F. Álvarez, C. A. Vera, E. Arcones. IEEE International Conference on Dielectrics (ICD), 2018. |
“Development of a programmable partial discharge generator for the evaluation of partial discharge measuring devices”. | F. Garnacho, A. Ramírez, F. Álvarez, C. A. Vera, E. Arcones. IEEE International Conference on Dielectrics (ICD), 2018. |
“Reference PD generator for sensitivity checking of measuring instrumentation to be used for continuous on-line PD monitoring”. | F. Garnacho, F. Álvarez, A. Ramírez, J. Ortego, M.A. Sánchez-Urán. CIGRE, 2018. |
“Test Cells to Generate Reference Partial Discharge Series”. |
F. Garnacho, A. Ramírez, F. Álvarez, A. Khamlichi, J. Rovira. Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM), 2018. |
“PD Approach for On-line PD monitoring of cable systems using the minimun number of PD sensors”. | F. Garnacho, J. Ortego, M. A. Sánchez-Urán. International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH), 2017. |
“A Clustering Technique for Partial Discharge and Noise Sources Identification in Power Cables by Means of Waveform Parameters”. |
F. Álvarez, J. Ortego, F. Garnacho, M.A. Sánchez-Urán. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2016. |
“Non Invasive PD Monitoring for Power Transformers”. | F. Garnacho, J. Ortego, F. Álvarez, M. A. Sánchez-Urán. ARWtr, 2016. |
“Practical experience of insulation condition evaluation in an on-site HV installation applying a PD measuring procedure”. |
F. Alvarez, F. Garnacho, R. Albarracin, R. Granizo, M. Dong, J. Ortego. IEEE International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, 2016. |
“Condition Assessment of Power Transformers in service using PD Monitoring”. | F. Garnacho, H. Gago, M. A. Sánchez-Uran, J. Ortego, I. Uliarte. CIGRE, 2016. |
“Signal processing and study of the ripple influence in PD patterns for measurements under HVDC stress”. | M. A. Sánchez-Urán, F. Garnacho, F. Álvarez, G. Donoso, J. Ortego. CIGRE, 2016. |
“Classification of partial discharge sources by the characterization of the pulses waveform”. |
F. Álvarez, F. Garnacho, J. Ortego. IEEE International Conference on Dielectrics (ICD), 2016. |
“Cable model for partial discharge measurements”. | F. Álvarez, F. Garnacho, J. Ortego. IEEE International Conference on Dielectrics (ICD), 2016. |
“Application of HFCT and UHF Sensors in On-Line Partial Discharge Measurements for Insulation Diagnosis of High Voltage Equipment”. |
F. Álvarez, F. Garnacho, J. Ortego, M.A. Sánchez-Urán. Sensors Journal, 2015. |
“On line Partial Discharge Measurements by means of Signal Processing Tools Integrated in Micro-Processing Hardware”. | F. Garnacho, J. Ortego, M. A. Sánchez- Urán, F. Álvarez, H. Gago. International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH), 2015. |
“Online PD Monitoring of Short Cable Systems Installed in Substations |
F. Garnacho, J. Ortego, M. A. Sánchez- Urán, F. Álvarez, A. González. JICABLE, 2015. |
“Partial Discharge Experiences in HV Grids Applying Wideband Measurements”. |
F. Álvarez, J. Ortego, F. Garnacho, M. A. Sánchez-Urán, D. Prieto. IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE), 2014. |
“Advanced Techniques for On-line PD Measurements in High Voltage Systems”. |
F. Álvarez, J. Ortego, F. Garnacho, M.A. Sánchez-Urán. IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE), 2014. |
“PD Monitoring System for HV Substations”. | F. Garnacho, R. Martín, I. Trasmonte, P. Simón, M. A. Sánchez- Urán, J. Ortego, F. Álvarez, A. González, D. Prieto. CIGRE, 2014. |
“Experiences about PD Measurements on Installed HV Cable Systems”. | F. Garnacho, I. Trasmonte, R. Martín, M.A. Sánchez-Urán, J. Ortego, F. Álvarez, D. Prieto, J. Vallejo, M.A. Jiménez. CIGRE, 2014. |
“Signal analysis and feature generation for pattern identification of partial discharges in high-voltage equipment”. |
O. Perpiñán, M.A. Sánchez-Urán, F. Álvarez, J. Ortego, F. Garnacho. ELSEVIER Electric Power Systems Research, 2013. |
“PD Online Monitoring System with Automatic Location and Alarm Generation”. | F. Garnacho, M. A. Sáncheez Urán, J. Ortego, F. Álvarez, M. A. Jiménez. International Conference on Condition Monitoring, Diagnosis and Maintenance (CMDM), 2013. |
“New Procedure to Determine Insulation Condition of High Voltage Equipment by Means of PD Measurements in Service”. | F. Garnacho, M. A. Sánchez-Urán, J. Ortego, F. Álvarez, O. Perpiñan, E. Puelles, R. Moreno, D. Prieto, D. Ramos. CIGRE, 2012. |
“Partial Discharge Monitoring System for High Voltage Cables by means of powerful digital tools to discriminate noise and to perform efficient partial discharge diagnosis”. | F Garnacho, M. Sánchez-Úran, J. Ortego, J. Moreno, F. Álvarez, O. Perpiñan, J. L. Vallejo, J. Gonzalo. JICABLE, 2011. |
“Partial Discharge Monitoring System for High Voltage Cables”. | F. Garnacho, M. Sánchez-Úran, J. Ortego, J. Moreno, F. Álvarez, J.L. Vallejo, B. Losada, J. Gonzalo. CIGRE, 2010. |
“On site Measurements experiences in insulation condition for Medium and High Voltage Cables”. | F. Garnacho, I. Trasmonte, T. García, P. Simón, M. Pardo de Vera, Á. Guerra, E. Pérez, J.L. Vallejo, C. M. Roncero, A. Pérez, E. Roldán, S. Cascante, N. Vidal, A. Gallego, G. Denche, J.J. del Río, M. Sánchez-Úran, F. Álvarez, J. Ortego, J. Moreno, T. Adrada, R. Schiller, K. Vaterrodt, M. Habel. CIGRE, 2008. |
“PD monitoring system for H.V. cables by means of powerful digital tools to discriminate noise and to perform efficient pd diagnosis”. | J. Hällström, A. Bergman, Ding, F. Garnacho, R. Gobbo, T. Kato, Y. Li, A. Nilsson, G. Pesavento, S. Sato, A. X. Yu. International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH), 2007. |
“Characterisation of high voltage dividers for X-ray measurements”. | M. Agazar, D. Fortune, Hanane Saadeddine, F. Garnacho, J. Rovira. International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH), 2019. |
“Calibration Setup for traceable measurements of Very Fast Transients”. | A. Khamlichi, F. Garnacho, J. Hällström, A. P. Elg, J. Rovira. International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH), 2019. |
“Traceable measurement of transmitted overvoltages in Instrument Transformers”. | A. P. Elg, F. Garnacho, T. García, J. Rovira, J. Hällström, T. Nieminen. International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH), 2019. |
“Lightning Low Level vs High Level Direct Current Injection Tests on a Full Scale Aircraft Cockpit”. |
Fernando Cano Pérez, Josefina Menéndez Alberquilla, Guadalupe Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Raúl Molero Castejón, Hugo Tavares, Nelson Matos, Abderrahim Khamlichi, Ángel Ramírez Linares. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2019. |
“Results of an International Comparison of Instrument Current Transformers up to 10 kA at 50 Hz Frequency”. |
K. Draxler, R. Styblíková, J. Hlavacek, G. Rietveld, H.E. van den Brom, M. Schnaitt, W. Waldmann, E. Dimitrov, T. Cincar-Vujovic, B. Pączek, G. Sadkowski, G. Crotti, R. Martín, F. Garnacho, I. Blanc, R. Kämpfer, C. Mester, A. Wheaton, E. Mohns, A. Bergman, M. Hammarquist, H. Çayci, J. Hällström, E P. Suomalainen. Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM), 2018. |
“Improvement of Rogowski Coil immunity against unwanted magnetic coupling effects”. | J. Hällström, B. Ayhan, E-P. Suomalainen, A. Valero. International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH), 2017. |
“The Design and Characterization of a Prototype Wideband Voltage Sensor Based on a Resistive Divider”. |
F. Garnacho, A. Khamlichi, J. Rovira. Sensors Journal, 2017. |
“k-factor test voltage function for oscillating lightning impulses in Non homogenous air gaps”. | F. Garnacho, A. Khamlichi, A. Valladolid, P. Simón, M. Valcárcel. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2014. |
“Procedures to determine k-factor function for air gaps”. | F. Garnacho, A.Khamlichi, A. Valladolid, P. Simón, R. Guirado. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2013. |
“Compact system for induced overvoltage tests in complete substations”. | E. Iraburu, E. Pérez, F. Garnacho, P. Simón, T. García. CIGRE, 2010. |
“Worldwide Comparison of Lightning Impulse Voltage Measuring Systems at the 400-kV Level”. |
J. Hällström, M. Aro, A. Bergman, V. Bovier Lapierre, F. Garnacho, J. I. Juvik, V. Kiseliev, Z. Lian Hong, W. Lucas, Y. Li, M. L. Pykälä, J. Rungis, K. Schon, V.H. Truong. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2007. |
“Determining the test voltage factor function for the evaluation of Lightning impulses with oscillations and/or overshoot”. |
P. Simón, F. Garnacho, S. Berlijn, E. Gockenbach. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2006. |
“Evaluation procedures for lightning impulse parameters in case of waveforms with oscillations and/or an overshoot”. |
F. Garnacho, J. Pérez, M. Aro, P. Valve, K. Schon, T. Kato, T.R. McComb, G. Pesavento, W. Hauschild, E. Gockenbach, M. Ramírez, P.E. Muñoz, B. Larzelere, Y.X. Zhang. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 1997. |
“Applicability of different implementations of K-factor filtering schemes for the revision of IEC60060-1 and -2”. | J. Hällström, M. Gamlin, F. Garnacho, E. Gockenbach, T. Kato, Y. Li, J. Rungis. International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH), 2005. |
“An Improvement of the Evaluation of Lightning Impulse Test Voltages using the k-factor”. | S. Berlijn, F. Garnacho, E. Gockenbach. International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH), 2003. |
“Influence of LI shapes on the breakdown behaviour of insulating materials. Proposal for modification of IEC 60060-1”. | S. Berlijn, F. Garnacho, E. Gockenbach, M. Muhr, K. Hackemack, M. Kvarngren, P. Simón, P. Werle. International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH), 2001. |
“Análisis de corrientes por pantallas para detectar defectos en los cables de Alta Tensión en configuración cross-bonding”. |
A. Khamlichi, M. Adel, F. Garnacho, J. Rovira. |
“Detection and Localization of Defects in Cable Sheath of Cross-Bonding Configuration by Sheath Currents”. |
M. A. Shokry, A. Khamlichi, F. Garnacho, J. Martínez Malo F. Álvarez. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2019. |
“Cable sheath diagnosis in Cross Bonding Cable Systems”. |
M. A. Shokry, A. Khamlichi, F. Garnacho, J. Martínez, A. Gonzalo, D. Prieto, J. Rovira. JICABLE, 2019. |
“Measuring Cable Sheath Currents to Detect Defects in Cable Sheath Connections”. |
A. Khamlichi, M. Adel, F.Garnacho, J. Rovira. UPEC, 2017. |
“Transient Overvoltage Distribution in Sectionalized Screens of HV Joints”. | A. Khamlichi, G. Denche, F. Garnacho, X. Balza. JICABLE, 2019. |
“Improved cable Connection to Mitigate Transient Enclosure Voltages in 220 kV gas- Insulated Substations”. |
A. Khamlichi, G. Donoso, F. Garnacho, G. Denche, A. Valero, F. Álvarez. IEEE Transactions on Indutry Applications, 2016. |
“Location of sheath voltage limiters (SVLs) used for accessory protection to assure the insulation coordination of cable outer sheath, sectionalising joints and terminations of hogh voltage systems”. | A. Khamlichi, G. Donoso, F. Garnacho, G. Denche, A. Valero. CIGRE, 2016. |
“Removing risk of eventual discharges between GIS grounding parts and cable sheath connected to the substation earth through a separate grounding”. | A. Khamlichi, G. Donoso, F. Garnacho, G. Denche, A. Valero. CIGRE, 2016. |
“Guide to EHV/HV cable sheath bonding application software”. | F. Garnacho, A. Khamlichi, A. Valero. International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH), 2015. |
“Guide to Sheath Bonding Design, in Distribution and Transmission Lines with HV Underground Cables Service”. | F. Garnacho, A. Khamlichi, P. Simon, A. González. CIGRE, 2012. |

Pascual Simón Comín, Fernando Garnacho, Jorge Moreno y Alberto González Sanz. 2011. GRUPO EDITORIAL GARCETA. ESPAÑA
J. Moreno; Pascual Simón; G. Asensio; G. Denche; E. Faleiro.; D. García; P. Navarro; F. J. Pazos. 2015. GRUPO EDITORIAL GARCETA. ESPAÑA
Jorge Moreno, Fernando Garnacho, Pascual Simón Comín, José Rodríguez. 2008. Editorial: PARANINFO, ESPAÑA.
Fernando Garnacho, Pascual Simón Comín, Jorge Moreno y Alberto González Sanz. 2014. GRUPO EDITORIAL GARCETA.ESPAÑA