The LCOE High Voltage Technological Centre is leader in independent testing and metrology for the electrical sector in Spain. It is specialized in high voltage testing and research, as well as in electrical metrology and calibration.

LCOE is an ISO 17025 testing and calibration laboratory accredited by ENAC and current applicant of STL, Short-circuit Testing Liaison, by means of the Spanish association of high power laboratories, AELP.

Because of its structure, staff and facilities, as well as its experience, prestige, accreditations and national and international awards, LCOE is an international reference in High Voltage and Metrology Areas.

LCOE in recognized in Spain according to the Royal Decrees RD 346/2001 and RD207/2022 as the laboratory developing and maintaining national High Voltage and High Current standards, with CMC, calibration and measurements capabilities internationally recognized in the BIPM key comparison database. It is composed of the testing laboratories, either in their own facilities or on site, the metrology laboratories, and the R&D&I area, all of them aimed to offer to our clients the highest quality and flexible services.


  • 1949: LCOE creation devoted to electrical tests and energy meter verification.
  • 1952-1957: Starting of the High Voltage and calibration Laboratory.
  • 1954: Decree of Electrical verifications of 12th of March (article 42) recognizes LCOE as official laboratory for energy meter verification.
  • 1992: Creation of the Foundation, FFII, in which the LCOE was integrated.
  • 1993: RELE (ENAC) accreditation for High Voltage testing, according to EN 45001.
  • 1995: RELE (ENAC) accreditation for calibration according to EN 45001.
  • 2001: New Laboratory facilities in Getafe, for High current impulse tests and metrology.
  • 2001: LCOE designated as the national laboratory for developing and maintenance of national standards in HV, according to RD 346/2001.

  • 2002: ENAC Accreditation according to ISO/EN 17025 for testing and calibration laboratories.
  • 2004: LCOE recognized by EURAMET and BIPM as DI with CMC´s for High Voltage quantities.
  • 2011: Movement from the Polytechnic University facilities to the new installations in TECNOGETAFE.
  • 2012: First participation of LCOE in Euramet Projects.
  • 2014: Creation of CTAT, High Voltage Technological Center.
  • 2015: Member of AELP (Spanish Association of Power Laboratories) and applicant of STL since 2016.
  • 2019: New CMC´s recognized by the BIPM, including High voltage and high current quantities.








Safety at work is a priority for LCOE High Voltage Technological Centre. LCOE will collaborate with any part to ensure that a safe working area is provided for all.

LCOE High Voltage Technological Centre is formed by a group of engineers and test technicians with a wide experience, tenths of years is some cases, on high voltage test techniques in on site tests as well as in FFII-LCOE own facilities.

All the testing and calibration LCOE personnel are trained and have a great experience in all the safety procedures for the activities involved in their job, such as low voltage or high voltage electrical risks, manual or mechanical load manipulation, works at heath, works at confined atmospheres, first aid, crane manipulation, and so on. They are also qualified when necessary for making certain risky activities.

All the applicable safety procedures issued by the Authorities, FFII-LCOE or any other part involved in a test / calibration will be strictly accomplished during the complete test program. No work will be performed if it supposes the total or partial un-accomplishment of any part of these procedures.

Logically, LCOE technicians will attend any on site or on line training that should be received at the client request.


The actions of FFII staff should be aimed at the best fulfilment of the mission and functions commended to them, according to the corporate Quality Manual. Therefore, professional activity of FFII staff has to be ruled by a set of principles to be exhibited in conducts of respect for the values contained therein.

  • Loyalty to FFII as own institution.
  • Active attitude aimed to improve the knowledge of the guidelines and institutional mechanisms developed by FFII to accomplish its function.
  • Respect for the persons and collectives that make up FFII as well as its collegiate and government bodies.
  • Respect and adhesion to FFII’s guidelines and code of conduct.
  • Fulfilment of FFII’s Quality System requirements in every aspect.
  • Observance of the measures described in FFII’s Environmental Policy.
  • Active attitude aimed to enhance the competence and professional development as FFII personnel.
  • Active attitude to search for innovative mechanisms able to produce a continuous improvement in FFII’s function.
  • Impartiality in assessment, judgement and reporting.
  • Search for evidence in order to support judgement, reporting and results.
  • Identification and prevention of situations potentially menacing impartial actions.
  • Detection of outstanding actions leading to fulfil the objectives proposed during FFII intervention.
  • Avoidance of inappropriate analysis and actions.
  • Avoidance of any personal or foreign influence that could cause conflict of interests.
  • Declare a conflict of interests in the event this situation actually or apparently arose.
  • Active abstention in the above last mentioned case.
  • Avoidance of any judgement before FFII’s intervention.
  • Avoidance of situations that could lead to providing unwanted, non-evidence-based, unreliable or not officially required by FFII information.
  • Total rejection to any attempt/mean of bribery, corruption or alteration of the technical judgement, irrespective of its origin.
  • Total protection of the information obtained while performing activities as FFII staff.
  • Clear and verified information to FFII Management about facts and circumstances known while performing activities as FFII staff.
  • Avoidance of communicating any information obtained while performing activities as FFII staff to persons or institutions outside of FFII Management.
  • Positive attitude towards the inspected product or service during interventions as FFII staff.
  • Positive attitude towards the inspected service’s personnel during interventions as FFII staff.
  • Positive attitude to minimize inspected service or product malfunction due to FFII’s actions.
  • Avoidance of attitudes that can actually constitute incorrect use of power.
  • Avoidance of attitudes that can apparently constitute incorrect use of power.


We at FFII develop and apply our technical capabilities in testing, calibration, engineering and assessment in order to contribute to innovation, development, quality and safety of industrial HV products, techniques and consumer services. We carry all this out without losing our business orientation, focused on achieving the satisfaction of our customers, of our Foundation’s board and of our own personnel, as well as fulfilling the commitments undertaken with all the parties involved. Positioned at the heart of this policy, the promotion of continuous improvement in a safe and sustainable working environment is based upon the following criteria:

  • Efficiency and excellence in internal management, developing and implementing a quality and sustainability management system that includes occupational risk prevention, economic, technical, legal social and environmental protection aspects, based on international regulations and criteria.
  • Orientation towards fulfilment of the foundational purposes, based on the creation of sustainable value avoiding costs arising from faulty work, delays and in general any activity not providing real added value.
  • Demand for rigor, impartiality, confidentiality and veracity in every aspect of the professional activity, based on independence and FFII’s values.
  • Priority for the preventive approach over the corrective approach in process development, guaranteeing personnel’s safety and health.
  • Adoption of measures aimed to reduce environmental damage caused by our own activities and by those of providers and contractors.
  • Leadership and commitment with the human team, encouraging teamwork and involvement of staff at all levels in the organization in such a way that the Foundation becomes attractive and employees feel proud to stay, creating an atmosphere where they can develop their professional potential while keeping it in balance with their personal life.
  • Provision of up-to-date technical resources, giving particular support to the use of new technologies as change and continuous improvement tools.
  • Boost to innovation, including research and development activities, encouraging collaboration and knowledge exchange with other entities in projects of mutual interest.
  • Collaboration with customers and providers, developing relationships based on trust, loyalty, transparency and mutual respect, adopting organizational structures and processes focused on facilitating the relationship and meeting their expectations.
  • Truthful and transparent communication of our achievements and plans for the future.

Health and safety of own personnel is one of the main objectives of the FFII, in the same way that the quality and productivity of activities are. To guarantee a high level of health and safety, the FFII is committed to:

  • Ensure compliance with the legal, labor and technological framework and the internal regulations of the FFII regarding the prevention of occupational risks.
  • Integrate risk prevention in all activities and decisions.
  • Implement and maintain a certifiable occupational risk prevention management system, according to international standards.
  • Promote and develop, through training, information and employee participation, a preventive culture in the company.
  • Improve working conditions, well-being and work and professional climate, and enhance the awareness of all workers in the field of Road Safety, as a tool to prevent accidents on the road.
  • Spread this policy to all FFII workers, and update it periodically.
  • Foster the participation of all workers in the promotion of safety and health.
  • Make continuous monitoring of preventive activities.