Kick-off meeting of “FutureEnergy” Project
10 junio 2020
LCOE participes in the virtual edition of cigre session 2020
16 septiembre 2020
The kick-off meeting of the “HV-com2 Support for standardisation of high voltage testing with composite and combined wave shapes” project has been celebrated via web-meeting today. The aim of this pre-normative research is to realise the necessary metrology required for the standardisation of high voltage testing with composite and combined wave-shapes. In order to address the current lack of traceability, traceable measurement systems and calibration services will be developed for composite and combined wave-shapes, and the relationship between impulse voltages with High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC) or High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) measurements will be determined. Inputs will be provided to IEC TC 42 ‘High-voltage and high-current test techniques’ which revises relevant standards, in particular the IEC 60060 series.
LCOE-CTAT will participate in the development of a software package for composite and combined wave-shapes analysis, and the design and characterization of HV dividers.
Download the Publishable Summary for this project.
If you want to participate as stakeholder: Jorge Rovira JRovira@ffii.es
More information: Jorge Rovira JRovira@lcoe.etsii.upm.es