Course and workshop on metrology for future power grids. 19ENG02 FUTUREENERGY EUROPEAN PROJECT
30 mayo 2023
LCOE will take part in the european metrology partnership
27 junio 2023
LCOE has attended Jicable’23 International conference, the leading international forum in the fields of research, industrial development, installation, operation, and diagnosis relating to insulated power cables and their accessories, celebrated in the Palais of Congress of Lyon (France) from June 18th to the 22nd.
The LCOE team presented the power cable testing services offered in the laboratories and on-site, especially for High Voltage and Ultra High Voltage cables, and exchanged information with current and new customers. LCOE team also attended the different sessions in which the last trends of testing and assessment of cables systems were discussed.
Three LCOE experts as co-authors submitted the paper “Comparison of transient Overvoltage Distribution in Sectionalized Joints of 220 kV vs 66 kV Cable Systems”, presented by the Spanish TSO.
More information: sramos@ffii.es