LCOE participation in the international JICABLE´23 conference and exibition
26 junio 2023
LCOE performs measurement of no-load losses, load losses and sound level on 400 MVA 400/155 kV and 600 MVA 400/230 kV autotransformers for GETRA
18 octubre 2023
The Metrology Partnership will bring together the measurement science community and stakeholders to address on global challenges such as health and climate, support the European Green Deal, and support innovation in industry through collaborative research.

In June 2023, LCOE participated in the kick-off meetings held in Torino, of new EURAMET projects related with energy and standardization. The principal tasks to be developed by LCOE in each project are the following ones.
Project Number: 22DIT01. Trustworthy virtual experiments and digital twins (ViDiT)
Digital Twins (DT) can be used to simulate real experiments or dynamic situations from their real-world counterparts. However, a lack of metrologically validated approaches to determine the uncertainty of the data they generate has meant measurements using simulations have not been directly traceable to the SI.
In the project twelve case studies will be generated covering a range of metrological applications, including optical form measurements, electrical and flow measurements, and 3D robotic measurements. These will demonstrate the practical application of the developed methods and used to produce good practice guides in collaboration with industrial project partners.
LCOE will prepare the virtual environment case related with high voltage cable installation and exploitation, developing a software for the determination of sheath currents systems with different earthing configurations. The software will consider the effect of temperature, calculation of the induced currents, over-voltages and the detection of other cable malfunctions.
Project Number: 22NRM04. Metrology support for enhanced energy efficiency in DC transportation systems (e-TRENY)
This project will develop methodologies for DC transport efficiency determination, that combine accurate on-site measurements with circuit models of the railway electric system. The objectives of the Project are related with the following tasks:
- Configurations of non-conventional DC substations and on-site measurement setup development.
- Infrastructure for on-site traceable measurement of energy efficiency.
- Efficiency measurement of power converters used in DC transport systems.
- Efficiency determination of whole DC supply system.
LCOE will develop a facility for the laboratory calibration of high voltage and current AC and DC measurement systems under the typical dynamic conditions of railway network. This facility will allow the calibration of energy efficiency measurement systems used in substations.

Project Number: 22NRM06. Standardised methodologies, procedures and infrastructures for calibration, characterization and testing of instrument transformers (ADMIT)
Society is increasingly using switching devices such as inverters, power electronic converters and active filters, both as loads as well as part of generators - especially for renewable energy sources. This has driven a consequent proliferation of disturbances on grid in voltage and current, also at medium voltage level, up to hundreds of kilohertz, due to harmonics of the components around the switching frequency.
LCOE will develop a laboratory facility to generate and measure AC and DC voltage and current waveforms in the frequency range up to 150 kHz. The facility will serve as a reference for the calibration of AC and DC voltage and current measuring transformers in the frequency range up to 150 kHz.
More information about the projects: Jorge Rovira jrovira@ffii.es