Mechanical Test performed on Instrument Transformers at LCOE HV Lab according to new edition of IEC 61869-1 Standard
22 febrero 2024
Technical Meeting “Instrument transformers: from analogue to digital”
7 noviembre 2024
Paris, August 2024 — LCOE participation in the 2024 CIGRÉ (International Council on Large Electric Systems) event in Paris proved to be a resounding success. Held at the prestigious “Palais des Congrès”, this major industry gathering allowed LCOE- High Voltage Technological Center (CTAT) to showcase its leadership in the conformity assessment and testing and calibration sector to many professionals from around the world.

LCOE stand attracted considerable attention of established customers and potential new clients with its new accredited capabilities, specially HVDC testing of instrument transformers and high voltage dividers or cable system testing. A special demonstration of the functioning of a new synthetic Partial Discharge calibrator, able to simulate any kind of defect in HV assets and with different dielectric media such as oil, XLPE, SF6 or air, recently patented by the LCOE Foundation, F2I2, was presented during the event. This calibrator was designed as part of LCOE participation in the Future Energy project of European Metrology Research Program.

The LCOE team of experts actively participated in the congress in the activities of the B3 committee "substations and electrical installations" with the presentation of a technical paper introducing an innovative method that allows replacing traditional grounding resistance measurements by ground loop impedance monitoring techniques, improving the knowledge of the status of high voltage installations and their safety conditions.
As the event concluded, it was clear that LCOE High Voltage Technological Center had made a significant impact, setting the stage for future advancements and collaborations with its customers in the HV research, testing and calibration field.