LCOE-CTAT at 2024 CIGRÉ Event in Paris
17 septiembre 2024
Technical Meeting “Instrument transformers: from analogue to digital”

Experts, technicians and businessmen from the High Voltage and Energy sector met on November 5th at Tecnogetafe LCOE facilities to share technical information about instrument transformers and their evolution from analogue to digital.
After the opening of the session by Pascual Simón, director of LCOE High Voltage Technological Center, the first part of the program consisted of three presentations.
The first one, presented by Iker Íñigo and Pablo Albi of UNE CTN207/SC38 technical committee, was entitled “The standardization of instrument transformers”. Later, Urko Zatika and José Miguel Nogueiras from R&D department of ARTECHE made two presentations: “Introduction to instrument transformers” and “Edition 2.0 of the IEC 61869-1 standard, main changes”.
After the coffee break the second part of the technical session included two presentations, “Digital Interface and Stand-Alone Merging Unit (SAMU)” presented by César Redondo from ZIV and “HVDC Transmission: Topologies and Measurement Equipment”, presented by Paula Cid and Tomás García, technical responsibles of LCOE High Voltage Laboratory.
After the lunch, the session continued with two technical presentations in the field of Metrology applied to instrument transformers and Standards. The presentation “Metrological aspects and measurement points” was made by Pascual Simón and Javier Díaz Aguilar from CEM “Spanish Metrology Center” who spoke about “Development of Standards for the measurement of energy and network quality”.
Finally, once Fernando Garnacho (ETSII-UPM) closed the session, attendees visited the HV Laboratory of the High Voltage Technology Center (CTAT-LCOE), including the special testing facilities designed for instrument transformers applications.
This Meeting, like those dedicated to “Public lighting. Conformity, efficiency and circularity” and to “The GSR-II and the Second Phase. ADAS, Cybersecurity and Electric Vehicle”, held on October 9th and 30th, respectively, is part of the program of activities for LCOE 75th anniversary.